
Who makes the Art in Nature Festival happen? A great Organizing Group and a committed Volunteer Crew!  Join us!

[contact-form-7 id=”1716″ title=”AIN 2015 Volunteers Form”]

AIN3-21Art in Nature is a one-of-a-kind multi-sensory experience. It is part festival, part museum, part blank canvas. Thousands of festival attendees find themselves immersed in art and surrounded by nature, discovering and collaborating with over 200 multi-disciplinary professional artists (musicians, dancers, poets, visual artists, and more) in the middle of the redwoods. This is a FREE event that is made possible by the dedication and contribution of many generous volunteers, both leading up to and during to the Festival.

This year’s Festival is occurring on Sunday, September 20th, 2015, from 11am to 5pm, at the Stream Trail of Redwood Regional Park, Oakland.

We are looking for capable and motivated individuals to become part of the Art in Nature Crew. Volunteers are needed for 2 hour shifts on September 20th and for 2 hour shifts on the afternoon of Saturday the 19th and the morning of Monday the 21st.

As Crew Member, we will provide lunch for you on the day of the Festival, and you are invited to camp out at Redwood Regional Park the night before and/or the night of the event with the rest of the Crew and the Artists. You will meet and work with great people and lots of artists, make new friends, and be a important part of this amazing event.

Email volunteer@samavesha.org with any questions. 

Do you wanna be part of our Art in Nature Core Crew?
Aside from the support on the day of the Festival, our team works year-round to make the event happen. No matter your skills or interests, there’s a way for you to participate in the creation and manifestation of the Festival, both at the event and leading up to it.

Meet incredible people and develop a sense of accomplishment and belonging by making the Art in Nature Festival possible. If you are interested in joining, contact us at info@samavesha.org