
Samavesha would not exist without the generous support of individual donors. We invite you to send what you can afford as a tax-deductible investment in the future of bringing art to more lives. No gift is too small but a big contribution! Donate Now!

If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of someone, simply make your donation and then send an email to with the person’s name and address. We will send an acknowledgment in the mail to the recipient or to their family.

A gift has the capacity to be an alchemical agent that renders a change inside by the mere act of giving.

If you prefer, send a check to: 3363 Kiwanis Street, Oakland 94602, CA

You can make a general donation to Samavesha as an organization, or a program-specific donation to your favorite event. Visit our Productions page for more info.

Thank you for helping us creating accessible and vibrant opportunity for worldwide artists and communities.
